
thermal ınsulation

thermal ınsulation

The heat losses generally experienced in the houses are shown in the diagram.Although the losses in the walls are 15% -25%, when the losses in the carrier systems are added (column, beam, curtain), it is observed that they reach 35% -40%.Heat losses occur at the junction points of different elements of the buildings; walls, curtains and reinforced concrete-bricks.This situation is called thermal bridge. Mold formation is observed due to condensation in the building elements exposed to the thermal bridge as the vapor in the environment cools down with the air. This factor, which negatively affects the quality of oxygen and the comfort of life, also shortens the life of the structure. People can lead a comfortable life in environments with 20-22 ° C temperature and 50 percent relative humidity.Outdoor temperatures are well below 20 ° C in winter.In summer, the air temperatures are quite above 20 ° C.Thermal energy; transfers from high temperature environment to low temperature environment.For this reason, in the structures; energy losses occur in winter and unwanted energy gains occur in summer. The process for limiting heat losses and gains in buildings and installations is called "thermal insulation".Technically, thermal insulation is applied to reduce heat transfer between two environments at different temperatures.

It is possible to prolong the life of the building by providing thermal insulation, to offer healthy and comfortable spaces to the user, and to achieve great savings in fuel and cooling costs during the building usage phase.For the purpose of heating the buildings, fossil fuels are used mostly. Gases released as combustion products as a result of burning fossil fuels cause air pollution and global warming. Reducing the amount of energy used in thermal insulation applications and creating comfort conditions prevents global warming and increase of air pollution. Thermal insulation, which is performed in accordance with the rules, has many benefits for individuals and countries.The most important of these is the contribution of thermal insulation to energy saving.


There are three measures that can be taken to save energy without sacrificing people's quality of life and comfort.These are the use of highly efficient devices, automation systems and thermal insulation.Heat insulation takes the first place among these three measures.

Energy consumption is very high in buildings where an effective thermal insulation is not made. Calculations reveal that an average of 50 percent energy can be saved in buildings with effective thermal insulation. The wasteful use of energy causes environmental pollution and negatively affects natural life.


Advantages of Thermal Insulation

1.Sustainable energy savings

2.Obtaining the necessary values ​​for the Energy Identity Certificate

3.Increase in thermal performance

4. A long-lasting insulation

5.Fuel saving with air tightness

6.Building breathing capability in the formation of excess water vapor

7.Opportunity of comfortable living space

8.Prevents mold growth

9.Provides healthier breathing opportunity